Wednesday Wrap Up 11/27

Weekly Web Links for the Childbearing YearTomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. I’ll be celebrating with my family, but for my kids, the best part of Thanksgiving happens today. Because today is known in our house as “Baking Day”. My kids love to cook, and they love to spend time with their grandparents. Every year on the day before Thanksgiving, my girls go over there and spend the day making rolls and pie. Since their mom isn’t terribly good when it comes to these things (mea culpa), they’ve learned from my mother in law, Marti. Marti is someone I am very thankful to have in my life. She’s a dynamic, energetic woman and good friend. Over the years, my kids have loved going to see her in her office, Callie loves to talk science with her, and they’ve seen her retire from full time work and build a freelance business in retirement. I hope my kids will grow up and have the drive and confidence they see in her.

So, thinking about pregnancy, birth and gratitude….some links I found:

A pregnancy gratitude list.

Ways to announce your pregnancy on Thanksgiving. (And no, I’m not doing this one personally!)

Unfortunately it is probably too late for you to order this shirt. Or this one.

The worst heartburn I ever had in my life was on Thanksgiving, just a few weeks before Callie was born. I do not recommend it. Some tips here on how to avoid it and deal with it.

And more general tips for celebrating while pregnant.

And finally….this is hilarious!

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